english  german

Joscha Schell

Exhibition "Brunnen Übungen", 24 March 2024, Veddeler Brückenstraße, Hamburg

Talk PHÄNOMEN BRUNNEN: Urbane Wasserarchitekturen im Anthropozän, 29 August 2024, Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe, Hamburg


About me

For my current project, I am asking which problems of our society can be addressed by a public fountain or a water well (Brunnen). How can it serve people and be a relevant place? What sensuous aspects need to be considered and tested?
In spring 2024 I presented my thoughts in the studio exhibition “Brunnen Übungen”. The exhibition showed notes, sketches, photographs and models.

I studied Experimental Photography and Fine Art at Kunsthochschule Kassel and Goldsmiths College London. I graduated in 2012.

From 2017 to 2020 I trained as an electronics technician at Desy, a research centre in Hamburg, and then worked there for two years.

Most recently I taught Fine Art at Max-Schmeling-Stadtteilschule in Hamburg (2022 –2024).

My artistic practice has been made possible by a number of grants, including the DAAD (2012), the Hamburger Arbeitsstipendium für Bildende Kunst (2014) and the Zukunftsstipendium für Bildende Kunst, Hamburg (2021).

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Brunnen Übungen
Brunnen Übungen
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earlier Works
until 2016